Ante Natal Care (Garbhini Paricharya)

Antenatal or prenatal care is the management of physiology, psychology with medicinal and non medicinal ways to achieve healthy mother and foetus.

Ayurveda places immense emphasis on the importance of pregnancy care for the mother before, during and after pregnancy. Yoga and Ayurveda being the ancient scientific medicinal systems of the world , have a significant contribution in the field of human reproduction.

Aim of pregnancy care by Agada Ayurveda Hospital, is to achieve proper growth of the fetus, uncomplicated pregnancy, normal healthy delivery of fetus and wellbeing of both mother and baby.

Ancient Indian medicine has recognized the need for the mental, spiritual and physical preparation of the women expecting to conceive. Ayurveda suggests procedures and medicines for the preparation of the couple planning pregnancy, three months prior to conception.

Procedures and herbs for the purification of the gametes (sperm and ovum) is the first step. This includes methods for achieving a healthy state of mind. If the couple is not in a state of mental stability and calmness, even if they are physically fit, they cannot give birth to a healthy baby.

Ayurveda prescribes a particular daily practice for the pregnant woman. Along with the prescription for diet, Yoga and routine body care.

Any disease occurring in a pregnant woman should be treated with drugs that are mild in action, compatible and safe to the fetus. Pancha karma (detoxifying procedures) should not be advocated, except vasthi (enema) in the eighth and ninth months of pregnancy.

Each of such situations should be carefully managed with safe medicines suggested by qualified doctors of our hospital.

Post Natal Care (Soothika Paricharya)

Ayurveda explains importance for the care of mother and child during the period immediately following delivery with specific diet and mode of life.

Agada Ayurveda Hospital is designed to provide proper advice and guidance to clear all anxieties and queries of the mother during this period. The Post Natal treatment includes time and body specific ayurvedic treatments and medications for the mother to help her get back to her normal healthy state faster.


  • Helps to regain the muscle strength thereby reducing low back ache and firm up your body back to pre-pregnancy state.
  • Improves digestion and metabolism, thereby promoting weight loss.
  • Helps in proper and effective lactation & easy involution of the uterus.
  • Reduces the pigmentation due to hormonal variation during the pregnancy thereby giving radiant glow to skin.
  • Helps to gain greater energy levels and self confidence thereby reducing post delivery psychological problems.

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